Park Rules
🐾 Please keep to your allocated booking slot. Please arrive and leave at the correct times to allow the smooth running of the park and parking area with consideration to the other park.
🐾 Dogs must be kept on leads until you have entered the field through the pedestrian gate and locked the gate it behind you. You are responsible for your dog's safety at all times. While we have endeavoured to create a secure and stimulating environment for dogs of all types, we in no way guarantee that dogs cannot escape or that equipment provided is suitable for all. We cannot be held responsible for any loss or injury.
🐾If you have a banned breed (including XL Bullies), please see the separate page regarding government regulations.
🐾Always clear up after yourself and your dog. Place any poo bags in the dog waste bin and all other litter must go in the general waste bin provided.
🐾No smoking or vaping within the field or the parking area.
🐾Never leave your dog unattended at any point during your session. You are responsible for your dog at all times and any excess damage caused by your dog will be charged and a ban put in place.
🐾 All equipment in either park is for use of the dogs ONLY. Please do not let children (or adults!) climb, sit, jump or run on or over the equipment. K9 park and play cannot be held responsible for any injuries resulting from the above.
🐾 For your own safety and for your dogs, please inform us of any damage you find in the field immediately on the email support@k9parkandplay.com
🐾 Always properly secure and lock the pedestrian gate after use.
🐾 We may from time to time make random spot checks to ensure everyone is adhering to our rules. To check users have booked and paid for the correct time. This could be via a personal visit or via CCTV.
🐾 If you would like to change your booking you must email support@k9parkandplay.com with at least 12 hours notice otherwise your booking will be cancelled but you will still be charged.
🐾We reserve the right to cancel your booking at any time with a full refund if immediate maintenance is required.
🐾Please be respectful of other farm users during the duration of your visit.
🐾Vehicles and their contents are left entirely at your own risk. K9 park and play cannot be held responsible for any accident/injury to yourself, dog or belongings while using our facilities.